
I Play Video Games.

This isn’t really anything special these days, but I figure that at this point I’ve probably played enough video games to have some meaningful comments on them from time to time. This section will be where I talk about games, gaming, what I’m playing, the state of the industry, so on and so forth.

While not a terribly unique position, I’ve been playing games most of my life, starting on PC and on the original Nintendo (some of you probably know it best as the NES). While these days all my PC gaming is on Linux, I have four of the five Playstations, an Xbox One X, a Nintendo, a Super Nintendo, and a FireCore Genesis. This, in my opinion, gives me a wide base of gaming experience to draw upon. As someone technical, I believe I also have a basic understanding of how each of these consoles work, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

So if any of this sounds interesting, please stay tuned! Hopefully this section will prove entertaining and informative to you.

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