Quick Mac and Cheese

So a quick recipe for mac and cheese:


  • Stick of butter
  • >1lb shredded cheese (your choice, mix and match to taste)
  • 12-16 oz pasta (Macaroni or shells are best)
  • Double the amount of water (by volume) as pasta
  • 1/4-1/2 cup milk


Boil water on the stove on high heat.

Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook to taste. I prefer thoroughly soft, though if you like al dente, that's fine too.

Once the pasta is done, strain out the water. You can use a strainer or a spoon and a steady hand.

Turn the stove down to low heat.

Add the butter, allow to melt fully.

Once the butter is melted, you can switch the stove off. Don't remove the pan yet.

Slowly add the cheese to the pasta until the cheese covers every noodle. It should have a decent, thick consistency. Once you've added all of the cheese, add the milk and stir completely.

The macaroni is ready to serve.


I served this while camping recently, and it went over really well. Like I mentioned in the food intro I'm just a guy who likes to cook, so I honestly didn't find this anywhere online, it was mostly just a guess from having done it to a recipe before. The main pitfall I've found with other off-the-shelf macaroni and cheese recipes is that they don't usually call for enough cheese, so my biggest recommendation is to use double what most other recipes call for, you'll thank me for it!


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