1. Shell Prompt Update

    As you can tell from the subtitle of this blog, I don't use Bash anymore. In fact, I switched away from Bash a long time ago now, for a myriad of reasons. I'll probably touch on some of those here, but the basic point is that my old post about …

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  2. The Case for Tiny Software

    Quick disclaimer before getting too far, this article is targeted at a slightly less technical audience than usual, so if I'm explaining a lot of (what you consider to be) basic stuff, that's why.

    Today's world is filled with "Apps" which run on "Phones". Let's just think about this for …

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  3. Zsh Scripts are Dumb

    1. Background

    As you can probably tell by the existence of this blog, I’m what most people in the tech world call a "power user". I make use of all sorts of little hacks and tricks to make my computers run faster, and do what I want rather than …

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